- Bachelor
High school graduate or equivalent, or demonstrate the ability to proceed university-level study in the Associate program on NRU
Program Requirements:
180 credits are required for graduation. Comprehensive valuation and counselling are most important at this degree level, it allows to recognize of credits (no more than 120)
- Master
Bachelor’s degree in the same field or related field from an acceptable Institution
Program Requirements:
The Master’s program require 66 credits (at least 45 credits) above the Bachelor’s level.
- Doctoral
Master’s degree in the appropriate field from an acceptable Institution
Program Requirements:
The Doctoral program (PhD) requires 120 credits above the Bachelor’s level
1) Submit the Resume online (available on the Tools page of this site)
2) Wait for Answer
3) Fill the AFA Application For Admission (available on the Tools page of this site) and pay the ENROLMENT FEES
4) With the arrival of the Official Study Plan and of the identification number, the student obtains the Conditional Provisional Admission, pending verification of the Resume and any request for the related documents.
5) NRU through its international branch, assigns a Lecturer /Tutor who guides and assists the student throughout the degree program.
The terms established for admission to the first year of the new student are shown on the Requirements for First-Year International Students page of this site.
The deadlines for admission to the various semesters are reported to students, from the NRU international branch of membership, either directly or through the publication of the Academic Calendar in the portal of the International Branch.
Please note a late fee of $100.00 will be due for enrollments received after Registration end date.
NRU Newport Research University is committed to providing students the greatest opportunity to apply previously earned credit toward their chosen degree program.
NRU allows transfer of semester credits for prior academic credits, training, and relevant professional licenses and certifications.
Up to 50 percent of undergraduate courses and 50 percent of graduate courses can be transferred into your degree program.
NRU may award a maximum of 50 percent of the credits required for a degree program for prior academic credits, training, and relevant professional licenses and certifications. Credit awarded for experiential or equivalent credit cannot exceed 25 percent of the credits required for the degree.
First, you will need to complete and submit online (available on the tools page) a complete CV containing all information about your educational and professional career, and the results of any relevant facts useful for quantifying the portfolio of recognizable training credits.
The NRU - Newport Research University recognizes credits acquired at acceptable institutions and in part from qualifying professional experiences. This allows students of all ages to achieve their desired qualification with fewer credits than a boy who has NRU recognize credits earned at acceptable Institutions and by professional experience. This allows students of all ages to achieve the desired degree with a lower number of credits to be achieved.
The university will provide the prospective student of the link to fill in the Application For Admission, and all the arrangements for the payment of the registration fee.
Application for Admission is now available in the TOOLS PAGE of this site.